Sunday, 16 February 2014

The monkey’s mind

Every time I see the forest littered

I ensure to clean it up, no matter who did it.

For it is my place and I shall keep it clean and neat

You can help me, though, by sharing this on twitter!

Author's note:

Human evolution has gone through a full cycle. From being a close cousin of the monkeys we have evolved into unparalleled beings. As we grow from strength to strength, we should ensure that the world grows with us too.

Imagine a pillion rider left behind by the driver of a two wheeler. When we are in the driver's seat, it is our responsibility to check if all the passengers are comfortable before we set off.

If in our hurry to reach a place we leave out those people with whom we wish to reach the spot, to what avail is the journey?

Human beings have been driving the progress and development of the world through their intelligent innovations. But in doing this if they so not ensure the safety and development of all life forms around, then what use is the development of?

When an organisation senses a problem in its growth path, it calls for a re-engineering or restructuring to stem the rot. The course of the organisation's development is fine tuned to be in sync with the core values.

So also, when world development starts becoming lop sided, it is time to re-engineer the development model in order to ensure that a balance in the system is reestablished. Today we are staring into the mouth of destruction because we do not know where and how to begin our restructuring.

Can ignorance be an excuse for not doing something as urgent as this? Then the whole assumption of human beings being more intelligent has to be questioned. We must halt all development plans and return to  what the cavemen did!

At least, we should all agree that such restructuring is the need of the hour and brain storm more seriously about how to begin the whole process.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

