Sunday, 23 February 2014

Nature best explained

Once there was a competition between Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma wanted to know, who between them was greater. They decided to take their argument to Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva immediately told them that the one who finds his feet or his head first is greater than the other.

The two Gods set out to find the beginning and end of Lord Siva. Brahma decided to go north to find the head of Lord Shiva, while Vishnu travelled southwards to find the Lord’s feet.

Try as much as they would, the two Gods failed as Siva took the form of fire and kept growing in both directions.

Shiva is the symbol of the ever expanding universe and therefore to find the beginning and end of the universe is deemed an impossible task.

Shiva also is depicted as a form that supports life. He has the river Ganga flowing out his head. The moon adorns his head on the other side. One half of him is devoted to his wife Parvati. A snake is shown around his neck.

Shiva is depicted as a form that supports life

Lord Shiva is the form and name given to the diverse universe. Lord Brahma, on the other hand represents the directions. He has four heads each facing one the four respective directions.

Lord Vishnu denotes the evolution of life on earth. Taking his place rightfully in the oceans, his ten avatars represent the process of evolution of life forms on earth. Beginning as a fish in his first avatar, Lord Vishnu progressively assumes the form of a pig, half man, half lion, pygmy, and the tribal man and so on.

The various elements of nature are best explained through stories. The characters of the story assume the characters of the element explained. Nature's power is immeasurable and that is well explained through this story. 

The tradition of worshiping nature must also have evolved over a period of time in order to protect the ecology and the other life forms that co-inhabit this green planet.

Worshiping these Lords, is a way of worshiping nature and giving each life form its due respect!

