Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Patience Awaited!

Losing all of her leaves so dense,
The tree stood still in patience so intense.
Stoically, she bore all her pain and grief,
Awaiting the birth of a single leaf!

The birth of a single leaf...

The barren land had all but dried up,
The heat had left her burnt and used up.
Silently, she passed through her drought,
Awaiting the fall of a single drop!

The nine months dragged her slow,
The burden on her made her pale and low.
Smilingly, she was checking her weight gain,
Awaiting the onset of the single pain!

Patience yields life like nothing does,
Springing up almost instantly without a fuss!
Steadily moving even through the smallest vent,
Awaiting the next, every single moment!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

The Sweetest Revenge…

She did all that she could do to avenge,
The act that had left her timid and sore!
The mere thought of it made her  cringe,
As anything she did, pained her more!

She could no longer hold herself still,
As thoughts from the past shook her so!
Pain seemed to have had its heart’s fill!
As emotions marched keeping her low!

Though she felt like shouting to the world,
She could hardly share her pain with others.
Though she had to stand upright and bold,
She lay flightless, with wounded feathers!

Finally she hit upon the best way to avenge.
By putting her past back, she rose like a star!
A life well lived is the sweetest of all revenge.
Her life turned sweet, her heart no more sour!

A life well lived looks beautiful and can be the sweetest revenge...

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Nothing happens, everything is…

In our eternal anticipation for things to happen,
We forget to live life as it is!
Many a moment, in this wait, we miss,
As, nothing happens, everything is…

We hold ourselves back for the right moment,
Come it will when we may feel low!
Then all we can do is let the moment go!
Don’t wait for something, everything is…

We wait to live until we plan right and execute,
Is not the planning a part of living?
‘There is no tomorrow,’ is a misgiving,
As, nothing happens, everything is…

We may, perhaps, not be a part of the tomorrow,
But for those who live, tomorrow is!
And why should we spoil their rightful bliss?
Live today as it deserves, everything is…

Life happens continuously, living life is also a continuous process. Make it seamless...
