The misty mountains called out to me from afar,
As I gingerly peeped through the window of my car.
Far away I saw the climbing terrain, green and dense!
As plastic was yet to make its destroying influence.
I drove past the curves, destroyed by development,
To reach the land that flourished with a native scent!
I drove, eager to reach out to the plenitude of earth,
For, I wished to shed my fatigue and experience rebirth!
It seemed afar and as I drove kept moving farther away!
I wanted to reach there before the sun withdrew his last ray!
I hurried to catch one last glimpse of the land under the sun,
The land that would transport me to the world of real fun!
Away it went farther and farther as I relentlessly drove,
The rugged path and I, really keen to find the treasure trove!
I decided to give my tiny little car a hard push with all my
Until I heard my son scream, “You have been talking all night!”