Sunday, 11 February 2024

The Golden Chain - Part 1

A forest amidst a golden city

Forlorn, for within the free bounds it held.

A lone soul that had to bide her time.

Around stood the women who marveled.


Her composure in her sadness

Graceful, silent, with unbroken resolute

A lone soul that had to bide her time.

Melancholy had numbed the flute.


A rich city saw a poor man rule it.

Poor he was not by wealth.

Nor by education in any measure

Save just one act of stealth.


Nobility is not by birth as much.

A man’s actions speak loud,

Louder than the whispers of time

Ages after he is trounced.


Where did his nobility falter?

A much better king he was.

Immeasurably better than his foe

Pious, committed to his cause.


Brothers hailed him as the best.

His sons were in awe.

Progress in science and medicine

Were seamlessly scripted by law.


He conquered all the greatest.

Be they demons or God.

His valor knew no bounds.

His brain powering his sword.


Success only lasts while it does.

Character holds the fort.

Pride betrays all the knowledge.

That humility holds in port.


When ego gets the better of man

His nobility thus withers

Making him an empty shell

Away the knowledge slithers


The education all but laid in vain.

His swords went blunt.

The throne lost a maestro,

As the King turned tyrant


