Monday, 15 June 2020

Inheritance is Polymorphic

Has assumed proportions so dense.
It all began with the invisible DNA,
That defined the class, as they say!

Then became the impregnable fence.
Land in possession became the next object,
Before Kingship got appended to the subject!

Morphed itself yet again, and hence,
The family encapsulated its precious gold,
Inside iron chambers and kept it in tight hold!

Moved beyond the pound and pence.
Abstraction led the way to include codes,
As families were replaced by corporate abodes!

I feel, may acquire a new sense.
The term may be associated to good health,
As immunity has come to be valued as true wealth!

Has followed a rhythmic cadence.
And yet, has created many a discord.
This once, let there be harmony, Oh Lord!

Friday, 5 June 2020

Tryst with memory's crest

Perched on a high pedastal
Our lives is anything, but dull
The rains lash on the greens below
While the thunders, in approval, bellow

Sitting atop my humble mansion
I recount the days I had wanton fun
Splashing the firmament's kind blessing
On every passing, overburdened co-being

A wry smile, on my naughty lips floats
As nostalgia recreates my paper boats
Made out of what was held within a book
That was meant to teach us how to cook

We never learnt all that was taught
While in school, we played, we fought
The cruel clutches of life did not spare us
And we learnt our lessons, albeit after a fuss!
